
“10 Essential Spring Gardening Tasks”

Via ProvenWinners.com

“Spring is the most active time to be in the garden. Using all the pent-up energy we’ve accrued over winter, let’s head outdoors to clean out and prepare our garden beds, repair hardscaping, do a little pruning and moving, and start the growing season off right. Here are ten things you can do to launch the spring season successfully…”

1. Time for a spring inspection.

2. Address hardscaping issues first.

3. Do a thorough spring cleanup.

4. Test your garden soil.

5. Feed your soil.

6. Get out a sharp pair of pruners.

7. Divide perennials and transplant shrubs.

8. Put out any necessary supports like trellises and stakes.

9. Plant your spring containers and borders.

10. Be ready to take cover if freezing temperatures are in the forecast.

To read the full article, click here.

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